Bollywood’s controversial queen Kangana Ranaut was all praise of Telugu film ‘Sita Ramam’ and its actors. Kangana was especially blown away by the female lead Mrunal Thakur’s performance and on Instagram story, she wrote, ‘Zindabad Thakur Saab.’
“All actors did amazingly well but what stood out the most for me (was) Mrunal Thakur’s performance. Restrained emotions and rare dignity in her demeanour… no other actress could have portrayed. What a terrific casting. Truly a queen. Zindabad Thakur saab, here begins your reign,” wrote Kangana.
Complimenting the film on whole and the crew, Kangana further said, “I must say what a spectacular experience… and epic love story… extraordinary screenplay and direction… congratulations to Hanu Raghavapudi, all departments work wonderfully.”
Indeed Mrunal’s performance received high praise from audiences and critics. Getting validation from Kangana who is a national award winner is a big gesture and Mrunal gracefully accepted Thalaivii’s praise.